Weaponized Cell Towers and Cellphones: 21st Century’s Silent, Invisible Killer by Design – Patriots for Truth

This presentation will outline how a sinister globalist agenda is using the incredibly powerful telecom industry as yet another WMD for mass mind control, soft kill eugenics and, when deemed most advantageous, a convenient fast kill, genocidal method for culling the human herd.

This is 5G already erected near you.  Next time you drive by a school look for a pole with 4 or 5 transformers with high voltage power lines going into a small shed.  We’re talking about flu symptoms at 1st, then sterilization, brain tumors, DNA breakdown and eventually death.  The frequency is so much higher than 4g that most people will not be able to handle it.  This is all part of agenda 21/30 to depopulate the US.  There is a chart showing a 90 percent depopulation in the next 5 years.


via Weaponized Cell Towers and Cellphones: 21st Century’s Silent, Invisible Killer by Design – Patriots for Truth


DC Swamprats

Since President Trump’s Election most conservatives have wondered why there have been no arrests of the Treason committed by the last administration.  The answer; SES which stands for Senior Executive Service.

The SES is the shadow government.  They were created by Executive order. They answer to no one elected.  They are 100% corrupt and nobody knows how much money they make but the best guess is more than the President.

When we hear Judical Watch say that the Freedom of information requests are being fought worse than when Obama was President this is why.  Obama beefed up the SES and basically made it so that no one could fire them, then he spent 2016 hiring as many as he could.  They do not take orders from the current President.  They are there to obstruct him at every turn.  They report to Obama & Valerie Jarrett everything that is going on.

When we see Hillary Clinton walk free from the email scandal, after passing Special Access Programs, these are the people who are protecting her.  When we see James Comey walking around free after admitting to the House the he leaked classified documents, had a friend see to it they were published, and then cam back to Congress and lied under oath.  SES is the group that is protecting him.  When we wonder why Paige, Stuct, Orr, Lynch, Brennan, etc are all walking around free as a bird, SES is what is protecting them.

When President Trump started his term and had over 100 leaks to the press about what was going on, it was SES that was doing all the leaking.  We have been wondering “Where is Sessions?” that is a very easy answer and he is supposed to be the highest attorney of the country but he answers to SES.

Since they can not be fired we are up a creek.  They could be defunded.

Edit: Here is an in depth article about this:

Deep State – Shadow Government Revealed: Senior Executive Service

When Rex Tillerson gave his exit interveiw he said; “Stay at your post.”  Wonder who he could have been talking to.  Apparently the plan to topple Trump is still in the works.